How To Do Marketing: How to Fix and Avoid (A Beginner’s Perspective)

Aishwarya Gindham
7 min readJan 23, 2021

“Digital Marketing is a lucrative career. One can easily make money with it. “

Isn’t this is what is being fed to every one of us who is looking for an online money-making option?

Do you also think the same?

Can we really make easy money with digital marketing?

Did you choose or are planning to choose digital marketing just because you can make easy money?

Well, there is nothing wrong if chose this field to make money. End of the day, everyone wants to make money, isn’t it?

In this article, I’m going to unveil the hidden interpretations of marketing and answer the million-dollar question.

This article is helpful for anyone who is interested to learn about marketing.

You could be a beginner or an expert. This article will help you get a perspective about marketing.

What is Marketing?

One of the important questions which are not asked very often. Many marketing legends defined marketing in different ways which are all true.

Philip Kotler defines marketing as,

“The science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires.”

If you are someone who is interested in more definitions of marketing, read this blog.

Decoding the definition by Philip Kotler,

  • Marketing is based on science.
  • Marketing starts when we identify a need and create a product t fulfill that need.
  • Marketing is sending the right message, to the right person, at the right time.
  • Marketing is about keeping the customers happy (Existing or Prospects).

Advertising, Sales, Copy Writing, Content, and Funnels are elements of marketing.

Why learn and master Marketing?

We all talk about job security all the time, right?

Then marketing has a long shelf life compared to other professions. The medium of marketing might change from time to time, but the law of marketing does not.

You cannot think of any business where marketing is not required because they are none. Marketing gives direct returns unlike other departments like HR, accounting, and admin.

Marketing cannot be outsourced completely to a marketing agency. The founder should be a marketer.

If you know how to market and sell, you have a safe career.

Economics and Marketing:

What are you talking about? What is economics doing while learning marketing?

Isn’t this the question in your mind now!

Let me reveal this to you — The most successful marketers and entrepreneurs of history are those who understood the economy of the world.

Understanding the development, target audience, and demand in the economy helps you make better business decisions.

For example, Why do you think the global retailer Walmart bought the majority stake in Flipkart?

Walmart is betting on the fact that India’s e-commerce market, pegged at a modest $38bn in 2017, is expected to grow up to $200bn by 2027.

E-commerce currently makes up less than 4% of the retail market in India, but that’s predicted to change as the number of Indians using smartphones (and the internet) increases rapidly in the next decade.

Walmart President and CEO said, “India is one of the most attractive retail markets in the world, given its size and growth rate.”

And yes, the use of smartphones has increased in the past 3 years and so did internet usage. Today, India has around 20–25 million online shoppers.

Traditional Vs. Digital Marketing:

I have heard a few marketers say traditional marketing is dying!

I cannot agree with it completely, but to some extent, businesses have moved from traditional to digital. But we still do see TV commercials, newspapers, and Magazine Ads, right?

If a product is too generic and has a wide range of targeting, then TV ads can reach millions at a low cost. (Example: Toothpaste Commercial)

In case the product or service being offered only caters to the needs of a smaller targeting audience, then digital ads (Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc…) would work well. The budget for digital marketing can be as low as $10.

Direct Response Marketing:


This word has changed the world and made things better. Measurement was only limited to science labs when I was a kid. But as I grew and learned things, I understood what magic measurement can do.

If you running an ad, how do you know if it is working or not? Only when you measure.

But how do you do that?

That’s when Direct Response Marketing comes into the picture. When running an ad, if you are encouraging an audience to take a specific action then you have measurable results.

Examples of Direct Response Marketing are,

A late-night TV commercial encouraging you to call and book an order for the product.

A sign-up form on a website asking for your details.

Permission Marketing:

We sign up to receive email updates and newsletters every now and then. You might see a coupon code from Amazon for the products in your cart.

Wow! Didn’t that make you happy?

That’s what permission marketing does. Taking permission from the prospects to give them what they need.

So why should I ask permission to market my products/ services?

Because, once you value a prospect by asking their permission, they value you as a brand. This would result in high engagement, high ROI (Return on Investment), high conversion rates, and solid long-term relationships.

Learn more about Permission Marketing here.

CATT Marketing Funnel:

This was something new to me when I first heard about it. But, it changed the way I think about marketing.

And, I wish it changes yours too.

To create wealth in any business, the CATT marketing funnel should be implemented.

Here is how it goes,

Wealth = n^CATT where

[n] Niche: Your success and wealth depend on the niche you choose. Do not be the No 1. Be the only One.

[C] Content: Create useful content that attracts people from your niche. Blog posts, videos, lead magnets, live webinars, etc.

[A] Attention: Drive attention (traffic) to your content using SEO, social media, paid ads, and referrals.

[T] Trust: Build trust with your audience with tripwires, marketing and automation retargeting.

[T] Transaction: Convert your leads into customers with natural sales methods.

For all those who are wondering what tripwire and retargeting means;

Tripwire is offering a low-cost product with the intention of selling them more expensive products later. When you provide the best service with a low-cost product, the customer is going to trust you and buy the expensive product too.

Retargeting is targeting the audience who already showed interest in your product before. This will increase the conversion rates.

CATT can be understood even better when you implement it. Do let me know in the comments if you would do so!

Integrated Digital Marketing:

Focusing only on SEO or only on paid advertising is not going to help a business grow at its full potential.

But, an integrated approach to digital marketing can help you build an ecosystem for the business.

Refer to the above image to understand how every element of digital marketing is dependent on the other.

If you did observe, content is the core element in the digital marketing field. Be it SEO, social media, email, or paid advertising, content is required.

Personal Branding:

Establishing an individual as a brand in a particular industry is called Personal Branding. While personal brands have downsides, they weigh less than the upsides.

A personal brand can give rise to many brands from an individual’s influence. A personal brand becomes an influencer and a brand ambassador for the companies they run.

Now that we understood the what and why of personal branding, let’s look into how to evolve as a personal brand.

Here are 6 steps to it called the “MassTrust Blueprint”

Step 1: Learn a new skill through concepts, facts, and procedures. Understand the concepts. Remember the facts. Practice the procedures.

Step 2: Work — Implement your skills in the real world and make a difference.

Step 3: Blog — Write about what you learned and experienced through your work. When you write, you understand better, and also start building your personal brand.

Step 4: Consult — Now that you have a personal brand through the blog, have work experience, and have learned the fundamentals, start consulting for others’ businesses instead of working for them.

Step 5: Mentor others who want to be like you. It will help you scale your understanding to the next level.

Step 6: Start your own product or service business with the understanding that you developed about the market, the problem, and your own skills.

And, now the million-dollar question;

Can we earn easy money with digital marketing?

The short answer is ‘No’.

You can make money but not very easily.

The long answer is:

It is not easy to earn money in any field. You need to learn continuously, implement and move to the next level. That’s how life is and that’s how you grow. You need to go through tough situations to come out strong.

But, it is true that if given 100% there is good scope to earn money in the digital marketing field.

It is not a GET RICH QUICK scheme.

The one secret to success is “Work and have Patience.

That’s all for this article guys. I hope you gained a perspective about marketing and its elements.

If you want to start a career in digital marketing I would highly suggest joining the Digital Deepak Internship Program. The internship is designed to learn while working on projects which give you practical experience. If interested, apply here for the internship.



Aishwarya Gindham

Freelance B2B/ Marketing Writer helping businesses write high-quality blog posts to drive ideal traffic to the blog.